When one of my closet friends left the evangelical Christian faith and joined the Hebrew Roots Movement - I was shocked. He began to tell us that we must stop eating pork and working on Saturday, keep the Jewish feasts of the Old Testament, and cancel Christmas celebrations. I knew the claims that he made were untrue and unbiblical, however I struggled to explain why.
Thus began my search for the truth.
I spent hundreds of hours combing through Scripture, reading every book, listening to every podcast, and watching every YouTube video that I could find on the Hebrew Roots Movement. I quickly realized the lack of Biblical support for the false doctrines asserted by the "Torah Observant" crowd.
I then began to find more and more people both online and in my own life who have friends and loved ones who believe the false doctrines of the Hebrew Roots Movement. These individuals are searching for answers - they are searching for the truth.
This webpage is dedicated to sharing resources that challenge the Hebrew Roots Movement and equip Christians to lovingly speak the truth into the lives of their friends and loved ones.
What is the Hebrew Roots Movement?
The Hebrew Roots Movement is a group of former evangelical Christians who now place an unhealthy emphasis on the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith.
The majority of those in the Hebrew Roots Movement were previously evangelical Christians. Very few individuals in this growing movement are converts from atheism or any other religion. They do not have a unified doctrinal statement, so their beliefs are quite diverse. Some still believe in Christ - while others are so enamored with the Torah that they deny the very deity of Jesus.
The Hebraic roots of our Christian faith are wonderful and should be studied and cherished by all believers. There is a significant amount of symbolism and meaning contained in the Jewish origins of our faith, however to place more emphasis on those roots than the Bible does is an unhealthy emphasis. The Hebrew Roots Movement places significant emphasis on the Mosaic law, the feasts of Israel, and the old covenant. None of these things are bad things - they were clearly part of God's plan of salvation. However, we are no long under obligation to the specific commands God gave to Israel, including the Mosaic law, the feasts, and the old covenant.
The problem that arises with the Hebrew Roots Movement is threefold: (1) they focus on proselytizing to the Christian church to gain more followers instead of reaching out to the lost with the hope of Christ, (2) they put a stumbling block (the Mosaic law) in the way of those who would turn from their sin and accept Christ, and finally (3) they rob the glory that is due Christ for His work on the cross and instead glorify their own attempted law-keeping.